7 research outputs found

    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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    Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici

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    Il Futuro della Cybersecurity in Italia: Ambiti Progettuali Strategici

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    Il presente volume nasce come continuazione del precedente, con l’obiettivo di delineare un insieme di ambiti progettuali e di azioni che la comunità nazionale della ricerca ritiene essenziali a complemento e a supporto di quelli previsti nel DPCM Gentiloni in materia di sicurezza cibernetica, pubblicato nel febbraio del 2017. La lettura non richiede particolari conoscenze tecniche; il testo è fruibile da chiunque utilizzi strumenti informatici o navighi in rete. Nel volume vengono considerati molteplici aspetti della cybersecurity, che vanno dalla definizione di infrastrutture e centri necessari a organizzare la difesa alle azioni e alle tecnologie da sviluppare per essere protetti al meglio, dall’individuazione delle principali tecnologie da difendere alla proposta di un insieme di azioni orizzontali per la formazione, la sensibilizzazione e la gestione dei rischi. Gli ambiti progettuali e le azioni, che noi speriamo possano svilupparsi nei prossimi anni in Italia, sono poi accompagnate da una serie di raccomandazioni agli organi preposti per affrontare al meglio, e da Paese consapevole, la sfida della trasformazione digitale. Le raccomandazioni non intendono essere esaustive, ma vanno a toccare dei punti che riteniamo essenziali per una corretta implementazione di una politica di sicurezza cibernetica a livello nazionale. Politica che, per sua natura, dovrà necessariamente essere dinamica e in continua evoluzione in base ai cambiamenti tecnologici, normativi, sociali e geopolitici. All’interno del volume, sono riportati dei riquadri con sfondo violetto o grigio; i primi sono usati nel capitolo introduttivo e nelle conclusioni per mettere in evidenza alcuni concetti ritenuti importanti, i secondi sono usati negli altri capitoli per spiegare il significato di alcuni termini tecnici comunemente utilizzati dagli addetti ai lavori. In conclusione, ringraziamo tutti i colleghi che hanno contribuito a questo volume: un gruppo di oltre 120 ricercatori, provenienti da circa 40 tra Enti di Ricerca e Università, unico per numerosità ed eccellenza, che rappresenta il meglio della ricerca in Italia nel settore della cybersecurity. Un grazie speciale va a Gabriella Caramagno e ad Angela Miola che hanno contribuito a tutte le fasi di produzione del libro. Tra i ringraziamenti ci fa piacere aggiungere il supporto ottenuto dai partecipanti al progetto FILIERASICURA

    Fast ballistic arm movements triggered by visual, auditory, and somesthetic stimuli in the monkey. II. Effects of unilateral dentate lesion on discharge of precentral cortical neurons and reaction time

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    Single-unit recordings from motor cortex (area 4) were obtained before and after dentate lesion in two monkeys executing fast elbow flexions and extensions in response to randomly presented visual, auditory, and somesthetic stimuli. There were no starting or ending reference points or preparatory signals. Monkeys were trained to perform movements larger than 15 degrees within 500 ms of the stimulus presentation. After electrolytic lesion of the dentate nucleus ipsilateral to the trained arm, changes in reaction time (RT) were observed. Mean daily RTs of movements triggered by light and sound were lengthened by 50-70 ms. RTs of movements triggered by somesthetic stimuli were not changed in one monkey, whereas a small increase of only 20 ms was observed in the other animal. Spontaneous firing of precentral neurons was about the same before and after dentate lesion. However, movement-related responses of cortical neurons were affected by the lesion. Whenever there was an increase in RT according to the triggering stimuli, a corresponding increase in the response time of neurons (RS) appeared. Both RS and RT increased by the same amount when movements were triggered by visual and auditory stimuli, whereas they remained about the same when somesthetic stimuli were used to trigger movements. In contrast, the time interval between the appearance of the change of neuronal firing and onset of arm displacement (RM) was not modified after the lesion. Gating of sensory conditioning inputs and modification of RT by the presentation of more than one stimulus were not abolished by dentate lesion. As a whole, the effects of dentate lesion on motor cortical neurons are consistent with the hypothesis that the neocerebellum controls the initiation of simple ballistic limb movements by controlling the discharge of motor cortex neurons. The effects could be attributed to the withdrawal of a facilitatory influence of dentate neurons on the motor cortical cells, particularly for movements triggered by teleceptive inputs

    Bilateral coupling in learned blinking: side superiority, synchrony and temporal coordination in normal cats

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    In order to study interocular temporal coupling in the initiation of learned symmetrical blinking, experiments were carried out on cats trained to blink in response to a 500-ms tone paired with 100-ms airpuffs randomly delivered to either eye (alternate airpuff; 6 animals) or simultaneously directed to both eyes (bilateral airpuff; 4 animals) 400 ms after tone onset. In spite of the fact that differences in conditioned response (CR) latencies of the right and left eye varied in a wide range between positive and negative values in all subjects, a statistically significant difference between the mean CR latencies of the two eyes (further called side superiority) was found in 6 animals, of which 4 were trained by alternate airpuff and 2 by bilateral airpuff. Superiority of the right eye was found in 3 animals and the opposite was observed in the other 3. Analysis of the differences between CR latencies of the two eyes showed that side superiority was not due to the ability of one eye to give CRs consistently shorter than those of the other eye, but it crucially depended on the higher proportion of trials in which the superior eye led. The ability to give simultaneous CRs by the two eyes was found inversely related to the mean CR latency per session and subject. Regression analysis showed that power equations best described these relationships. In all animals, the frequency distribution of simultaneous CRs paralleled the frequency distribution of all CRs. In spite of a considerable trial-by-trial variability in the temporal relationships between CR latencies of the two eyes, clear-cut linear correlations were found by plotting the mean CR latencies of the right and left eye per both session and subject. The results reviewed in this paper are best accounted for by suggesting that blink onset of the two eyes is independently controlled by two distinct command signals and is modulated by bilaterally-balanced and lateralized influences

    A New Mn–Salen Micellar Nanoreactor for Enantioselective Epoxidation of Alkenes in Water

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    A new chiral Mn–salen catalyst, functionalized with a long aliphatic chain and a choline group, able to act as surfactant catalyst for green epoxidation in water, is here described. This catalyst was employed with a commercial surfactant (CTABr) leading to a nanoreactor for the enantioselective epoxidation of some selected alkenes in water, using NaClO as oxidant. This is the first example of a nanoreactor for enantioselective epoxidation of non-functionalized alkenes in water